Category: Coding

  • Linux Razer Naga Driver

    I’ve been looking around awhile for a “driver” to quickly change keymappings on my SWTOR Gaming Mouse (which is actually just a Razer Naga with a special look), without having to muck about with X configuration settings. Never really found anything very satisfying. So I finally decided to just hack up the nostromo_n50 configuration tool…

  • I need to update my BLP importer extension

    I was searching for Gimp BLP using google again. And I saw that my plugin was listed under “The GIMP non-Free extensions” originally posted in a blog article. The reason given: “Some relevant files do not have a license note”. Apparently I wasn’t strict enough with adding the GPL headers to my sources. Oops. I’ll have…

  • kc rpg

    I found the source code for a tiny game my friend made a long time ago when he was a brand new programmer. I was searching for anything about my old highschool website (the now defunct And noticed that kc had posted some programs online with links back to his homepage on that server.…

  • WordPressilized

    After a bit of work (about 4 hours) I’ve got my old blog entries imported into a wordpress database. I did it all manually through phpmyadmin. I could have also written a custom importer plugin. But since it’s a one time thing, it would have been a bit silly. I’m sure I made some minor…

  • Patching linux to play WoW

    Today I tried to play World of Warcraft (using wine in linux of course) and I was no longer able to login. I got a segfault whenever I tried to login. Which was weird because nothing I was using the same version of wine and WoW that worked perfectly a week ago. So I did…

  • BLP importer

    Last week I spent all my spare time writing a BLP importer plugin for the GIMP. BLP for those who don’t know is Blizzard’s texture file format. I was working on my JukeBox WoW addon and I wanted to add a play/stop buttons. But I haven’t been able to open up the BLP files with…

  • What’s been happening

    Hi everybody. A couple of weeks ago I was busier than usual. My brother Shane, and my cousin John came to visit me in Houston for two weeks and left just after the 4th. So I was cooking supper nearly every day and coming home to fix lunch for all of us. We usually put…

  • More updates

    I updated a few more things on my website. I fixed a few more things on my about me page. And updated all of my world of warcraft characters! Including the couple of characters I have on a Taiwan server. Cassie, install east language support! I finally translated the name of the server I’m on…

  • secure

    Ok my blog entry is now password protected. And I’ve updated my “about me” page again. There is still so much missing from my website though. It’s really sad. I wish I had known pages garden was going under before it was too late for me to get everything back. Oh well. I’ll get most…

  • Grrr

    Ok this must be an old version of my blog. Because there was once a bug where anybody could post messages as me in the blog. I fixed that a long time ago, but some spam site just added some new entries. So I’ll have to fix that when I get off of work today.